Public Service

Public Service

Calvin Cheng was a Nominated Member of Parliament of the Republic of Singapore. A Nominated Member of Parliament is a non-elected Member of Parliament appointed by the President of the Republic, who has rendered distinguished service or brought honour to Singapore. Calvin was appointed at the age of 33 to the second session of the Eleventh Parliament, and served for one term, after which he moved to China to start the training business that was eventually merged with Retech.

Calvin Cheng has also served in various public service roles in Singapore. These include being on the Supervisory Council of Singapore’s citzen’s feedback unit REACH, the Board of Screen Singapore, the Board of Singapore Media Festival, and the Media Literacy Council. Calvin was also on the Board of Singapore’s Red Cross.

In November 2022, Calvin was appointed as the first Honorary Consul of The Republic of Serbia, to The Republic of Singapore.

Calvin Cheng is also a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum at Davos.